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5 Fall Activities for Seniors

During this new season, as the days shorten and the weather cools, take part in activities where you can enjoy the weather and festivities before winter arrives. Take this opportunity to enjoy the crisp air and beautiful leaves or enjoy the fun of the holidays. Here are some of the things that will put a smile on your face during fall:

  1. Go for a walk

  2. Visit a pumpkin patch

  3. Arts & crafts

  4. Make fall snacks

  5. Fall gardening

Go for a walk

Walking and breathing in the fresh air is sure to boost your mood and while also helping improve your sleep. As fall decorations go up and the leaves change colors, walking around your neighborhood to look at the houses and parks is a fun idea.

Visit a pumpkin patch

Pumpkin patches are at their peak in the fall and the colors are bright and joyful. The crunch of the leaves, the growing pumpkins, and the changing colors are all a wonderful way to spend time outside.

Bring back a few pumpkins and paint them or roast the pumpkin to use as ingredients in your fall recipes. The possibilities are endless!

Arts & crafts

Making and putting up fun decorations is a nice way to mark the change of seasons and get you in the mood for fall holidays. As the weather gets chilly, you may also enjoy knitting hats, gloves, sweaters, and scarves.

Make fall snacks

A great way to embrace the season is to enjoy the wonderful food associated with it. For example, delicious soup, or chili, or bake some fresh pumpkin flavored treats.

Fall gardening

Fall is the best time to plant perennial flower bulbs, which bloom year after year. Planting flowers and other fall-friendly plants is always enjoyable, you can also find plants to bring inside and care for and enjoy over the cold months.

These fun fall activities can help keep you active and healthy. This fall season, take advantage of the beautiful weather to spend time with your friends and family. Fall will be gone before you know it, be sure to enjoy every minute of it!

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